
Why Would You Want to Start Capturing People?

What am I talking about? Capturing? No, I don't want you to go out and start catching people and putting them in a cell. What I am talking about is capturing their name and email address.

You want to have a home based business. You will need to have a source for customers. Where are you going to go for your customer base? Well, you could find a good list broker and pay a lot of your hard earned dollars for a list of names (that may be good or may not be good) and then, you could start emailing them and hoping that they would become one of your customers. That might work.

What you really should do is start capturing those customers by having them sign-up for your free ezine, newsletter, email course or whatever on your website. The way to do that is to set up an account with a reputable autoresponder provider and have a sign up box. If you have never seen one before you are truly a newbie. Almost every website that you will visit will have a sign up box.

What is an autoresponder you ask? It's a way for you to stay in touch with large numbers of prospects without having to send individual emails to them all. The autoresponder takes care of the emailing. All you have to do is come up with the message that you want everyone to get. Then you put it on the autoresponder and voila you have contacted everyone on your list automatically. It's not only a time saver but, in this day and age, a necessity. There just isn't enough time to be emailing a list, of say a thousand or three, every time you want to contact them.

Once you have their name and email you have them captured. Of course they can change their mind at any time and opt out.

After capture you will begin to build a relationship with them by sending them information on a regular basis. Then, every once in a while you send them an offer for them to peruse and hopefully purchase. This is called email marketing. For more in depth information about email marketing you can visit:

There are many good and reputable autoresponder providers out there. I use GetResponse. That's:
I have had issues, but, they have resolved them very quickly and I would recommend them.

Just enter autoresponder into your Google Search and hit go. You will have a ton of providers at your finger tips. Choose carefully, some don't give as good service as others.

Now that we have everyone captured, and we're sending them information and offers, we might want to toss them a freebie every once in awhile. Just to keep them coming back and to keep them reading the emails that you send them.

I get a newsletter from a gentleman named Derek Gehl. Just last week he ran a survey of his readers to find out what they enjoyed or disliked about his newsletter. He found out some rather unsettling information. Most people subscribe to more than one newsletter. Most people don't really read those newsletters in depth. In fact, some don't read but 2 or 3 out of ten or more that they get. You have to keep your content up to date and interesting to keep your readers (and therefore customers) coming back to scan your offers.

I hope you enjoyed the article and I hope you may have learned something. If nothing more than that I am a windbag. Get out there and vote and don't let any weeds grow under your feet.

That's all I have to say about capturing.

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